Anaemia Test Kit Iron Deficiency Ferritin Testing Blood Anemia Test One Step (1 Test)
Anaemia Test Kit Iron Deficiency Ferritin Testing Blood Anemia Test One Step (1 Test)
The Ferritin iron deficiency anaemia test will help you find out if you are anaemic or not. The kit includes all you need to carry the test out at home. Test sensitivity 30ng/ml. Why do I need this anaemia test? Anaemia is a common and potentially dangerous condition of the blood brought about when the body does not produce enough red blood cells. Anaemia due to iron depletion is widely held in children and women of all ages but mainly in women who still have their period (at least 20% suffer from iron deficiency). You should do this iron deficiency anaemia test if you think you may be anaemic. The following are common symptoms of anaemia: You feel tired most of the time or look pale.You don’t have as much energy as you used to.Your nails break easily.DizzinessYou feel the cold all the time.You find you are short of breath.Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet.AnginaYour ankles tend to swell up.A red, sore tongue and a reduced sense of taste, this is usually only a symptom with folic acid and vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia. What causes anaemia? There is not usually one cause of anaemia, however, the following are reasons why anaemia may develop: Heavy periods.Diet low in iron.Internal bleeding, for example if you have an ulcer or a tumourDiet low in vitamin B12 or folic acid.Blood diseases such as leukemiaInfections, such as malaria. Read more What happens if anaemia is left untreated? If anaemia is left untreated your symptoms will get worse and you may become very tired and weak, you may also develop angina or suffer with leg pains when walking. The body’s ability to fight infection may also be weakened so you may find you pick up infections more easily. How is anaemia treated? The treatment you receive will depend greatly on the cause of anaemia. Treatment is usually simple and may be resolved with an improved diet or by taking supplements. If the cause of your anaemia is vitamin B12 deficiency then your doctor may prescribe vitamin B12 injections. These injections will need to be given every 3 months, usually throughout the patient’s life. It is also possible to have iron injections but this is not often necessary. If your anaemia has been caused by internal bleeding e.g. ulcers then medicines or surgery may be required. If anaemia is severe then you may also need to have a blood transfusion. Read more Thyroid Testing Kit Anaemia Testing Kit Stomach Ulcer Testing Kit Bowel Testing Kit Sample type: Blood Blood Faeces Faeces Gives clear positive / negative results ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
- Detects levels at 30ng/ml which indicates possible iron deficiency
- Simple and easy to use test for use in your own home
- Contains all you need to carry out the test
- Results in 5 minutes
- Fully CE marked for self-testing
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